Cami Verborgh is an Antwerp-based interior architect. Graduating with a master's degree in interior architecture from the University of Antwerp in 2021, Cami's design journey has been marked by a quest for authenticity and an appreciation for simplicity.

Her venture to Mexico had a profound influence, as the raw architecture in harmony with nature deeply inspired her. It taught her the importance of using locally sourced materials. This experience rooted her perspective and refined her design style. Grounded in genuine curiosity, she seeks constant inspiration, finding beauty in the everyday and unpretentious.

Embracing the power of interiors to convey emotions, her approach centers on creating spaces that evoke a sense of calm and warmth. While understanding her clients' needs remains top priority, she deeply holds onto her own values, ensuring that her designs authentically reflect her vision.

Cami goes beyond the physical structure, infusing spaces with soul. When a building lacks that intangible essence, she selects furniture to add character and depth. Her commitment to capturing a place's spirit led her to curate 'Selected Furniture', presenting vintage pieces for those seeking enduring allure in their spaces.

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cami verborgh / interior architect  /  antwerp - belgium